Activities the Whole Family Can Enjoy Together

"I'm bored." It's a common phrase that makes most parents cringe. And for those younger kids who can't tell you they're bored, they tend to let us know by acting out.

With spending even more time at home together, you might feel like you're running out of ways to keep everyone entertained and to find activities that the family will enjoy.

Here are a few fun ways to keep the entertainment level high and the whining level low:


You don't have to have actual costumes, just head to the closets and see what items you can pull-out, hats, belts, scarves, ties, sunglasses and oversized shirts are always a hit. Then let everyone put together their own costume for some role-play fun.


Give each person a chance to pick a spot on the globe and then spend some time learning, making some traditional food, listening to music and even dressing up as they would in that country. It's a great way to expose kids to other cultures and to learn about places outside of their immediate environment.


Of course really little ones will need some help but they can still be involved in some family-friendly board games or simple card games such as Go Fish. This will expand their thinking to learn about strategy and also reinforces cooperation as they wait their turn.


Children love to check things off lists so giving them each their own list of items and a marker to cross things off as they find them will bring lots excitement. It also provides an opportunity to talk about what they see in nature and in their immediate environment. For example, having them find a stop sign and explaining why that's important is a great opportunity to teach about crosswalks and safety.


This can be done outside, or inside the house if the weather is less than desirable. Have kids work with you to prep the food and pack it in a basket. Put a blanket down and enjoy eating together in a relaxed and casual atmosphere. It makes meal times less stressful for everyone and infuses a little extra fun into lunchtime!

These are just a few of the endless options for activities you can do together as a family. The best way to get kids involved and out of the boredom loop is to simply ask them what activities they might like to try. It seems simple but if you never ask, you'll never know. You'll likely be surprised by their answers. Have fun!

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